Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Abercrombie X Hot Hunkie: Who’s That Emcee?

what a shame

I always believe  that

after a trip

I will probably have something to share

or at least some new discovery


transferring loads of photo to

realize that

I actually do not really know

where to start from



soon after the right time to kick start,

I realize things just fade away from mind


it seems that

“marketing survey” report is

the only thing I am still capable of writing

usually done immediately after I am back home

or the day after


setting that asides

they all fail miserably

due to my procrastination



let’s go back


June 18-20

I did a few round at Mid Valley solo

no worries,

this is not yet another marketing report

ran a couple of errand, including a concert

everything ran pretty smoothly


and by the way

an extra surprise

an L’OREAL even was held

ignore that Fan Bing Bing

bottom left corner is what I gonna talk about

L'OREAL event, Mid Valley


I saw this dude in A&F tee

walking towards the concourse

of course,

hundreds of people walked in and out

what a surprise

he was actually the announcer

or emcee of the event



not that I am racist or something

usually that kind of MC’s voice

doesn’t come with this kind of look

at times, it turns out to be

a huge guy with thick beard,

yet totally cleaned-shaved head


without realizing

I was purposely

doing extra rounds surrounding the concourse

like a 360 degrees view

for two days

what the heck


and I realized

he looked pretty delicious

even from the way he stood


the not-so-attractive promotions

turned out to sound good

broadcasted from his calming voice

stalk check onetextingthe pair of mid-high blue adidasthis lady was asking for direction or somethingyet another view


what a waste

if he is just an emcee

no probably he is just a part-timer

or he is multi-tasking,

and is actually an event organizer

or is he some well-known MC

it’s just that I am too ignorant to know


in short,

it’s all wild guesses

I don’t even know what his name is, still


it’s okay


  • muscle definitely adds wow impact
  • even if it’s just a plain tee
  • gorgeousness is real, if
  • you look good even from the way you stand

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